About Us

PuzzolCon is an annual conference
for escape room owners put on by
Puzzol Creative in Memphis, TN.

We Are A Large Support Team That Believes In Your Escape Room Business.

Puzzol Creative has built multiple successful entertainment businesses since 2015.  We have also written, designed, and built dozens of award-winning escape rooms.  We currently own and operate Memphis Escape Rooms, The Escape Room Florence, and AMUSE – The Adventure Museum.

Check Out Our YouTube Channel For Escape Room Owners:

We Want To Help Your Escape Room Business Grow.

We love doing escape rooms.  We fell in love with them many years ago and continue to do rooms every chance we get.  There’s nothing quite like doing a great escape room.

Looking at the current state of the industry, we see smaller companies struggling and larger companies getting less creative.

How sad would it be if 5 years from now we have to say “remember how great escape rooms used to be?”  We think that’s where the industry is headed without the creativity and care of local escape room owners.

Bottom line? We believe you are the future of the escape room industry.  And we are committed to help you in any way we can—both through PuzzolCon and our consulting services.